Scheduled Reports - How to setup
NOTE: To ensure you have accurate report data, Preform Rotating Stocktakes Daily (Stocktake a section of your store daily.) If you have not implemented this procedure in your store, please do so immediately.
To ensure critical reports are actioned in a timely manner all critical reports should be scheduled to email to the store email account. One person at the store should then be responsible for ensuring the reports are actioned.
How to setup a Scheduled Report in 7 easy steps
Select ‘Add to Schedule’ to schedule reports to run at your convenience. These reports can be e-mailed to multi-recipients in PDF and/or Excel format.
1. In System Menu, select Reports > Report Generator
2. Locate the report you would like to schedule and select Open Report
3. Under (for Schedule), select a date range for your report. For example, ‘Start of Month’ to ‘End of Month’.
4. Select Add to Schedule
5. Select your Criteria:
Run ASAP: The report will generate as soon as possible. Note: Some reports require the end of day processes to be complete prior to generating, so will generate overnight.
Daily: This will set the report to generate every day, every second day, every X amount of days, or every week day.
Weekly: This will set the report to generate once a week, on a selected day of the week.
Monthly: This will set the report to generate once a month, on a selected day or time of the month, e.g. ‘First Monday of every Month’.
Yearly: This will set the report to generate once a year, on a selected date and month, e.g. ‘every January 1’ will run on the 1st of January each year or a selected day in a selected month, e.g. ‘the Last Day of every June’ will run on the 30th of June each year.
6. Enter the email address the report needs to be sent to then select the + button to add the email, and add another.
7. Select Save and Close