Reconciliation by Day Report
The Reconciliation by Day allows you to report on a specified date range and will show a summary of each days, register reconciliation, showing all tender breakdowns, giving you discrepancies, so you can backtrack to the Register Reconciliation, and identify the issues.
Note: You must be using the Register Reconciliation function, to be able to populate data for this report.
1. In System Menu, Reports > Report Generator
2. Sales Reports
3. Select Reconciliation By Day
4. Select Open Report
5. Location Pre-Selected
6. Select Date Range
7. Process Now (for all items) or Select Items (Select Items, the search screen in Item maintenance will open, Select category e.g. Front/Dispensary or can drill down through selected sub-categories)
8. Click find and then select tagged
9. Select Process Now or Add to Schedule (See Scheduled Reports - How to setup)
10. When the report appears on the screen, select Show Preview and then print this page (PDF) or Export to Excel